Tuesday, February 27, 2007


How To Install A Sectional Garage Door

Two years ago you decided to remodel your home. This remodeling has included the installation of new kitchen cabinets, countertops and putting in new appliances.

Also, over these two long years, you have remodeled the bathroom. The beautiful new pedestal sink, matching toilet and whirlpool bath have been accented nicely with the new soft yellow ceramic tile.

Now, you want to focus your attention on the exterior of your home. The first thing you want to install is a new garage door. The old door that you have, that was made of a heavy metal that broke your garage door opener, will be replaced with a sectional garage door.

Your remodeling dreams are being accomplished because you were able to do a lot of the work your self. Saving on labor costs has cut the remodeling budget substantially. To save money as well, you have decided to install the garage door yourself.

General Guidelines

As with all do-it-yourself installation procedures, great care must be taken to strictly follow the detailed instructions that come with your sectional garage door. Also, if the old garage door utilized tension springs to open and close the unit, it is best, for safety reasons, to leave them attached. Detaching these huge coiled springs should not be removed by one individual alone.

Piecing Together The Garage Door

The sectional garage door should be pieced together using the bottom sectional piece of the garage door as the base. This bottom piece can be affixed to the garage entrance jam at such an angle so that the bottom piece is wedged firmly into place and allows for the next piece in process to be attached.

Following this step, begin to assemble the track portion of the garage door. The track portion allows for the rollers to move through the track when opening and closing the door. Once the tracks have been assembled begin to affix the rollers and the various pieces of hardware to the base section. Once this has been accomplished then insert one side of the bottom section into the track by inserting the rollers of the bottom door section. Once accomplished, repeat the same process for the opposite side.

The next step takes you to the second section of the garage door. With an assistant, lift this second section and place it into the vertical tracks by inserting the rollers. Both sides of the second piece should be inserted.

At this point, it is important to affix the hinges of the bottom section to the section above.

The following step is to simply repeat the process of installing the second section by placing the third section on top of the second. At this point, it is important to fasten securely the tracks. These tracks should be fastened to the frame and by using the mounting plates that were provided as hardware. It is also important to attach the securing brackets to the tracks by fastening them to the wooden frame of the door opening.

Following this process, it is now time to attach the overhead tracks that are curved as well as the tracks that run horizontal to the floor of the garage. The horizontal track is attached to the support brackets that have been fastened to a portion of the garage's wood frame located in the ceiling. Once installed the horizontal tracking should be checked for its being level.

Finally, once you are satisfied with the installation and the door opens and closes properly, retighten all bolts screws and fasteners.

Learn more about garage doors at http://www.GarageBasics.com

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